Deltion College Zwolle
Deltion College Zwolle
Deltion is a Regional Training Center (ROC) located in Zwolle, where more than 20,000 students and trainees follow various forms of education. Deltion is here for everyone; whether you are young or old, have your own company or have just finished high school. Deltion College has more than 1,800 employees that work enthusiastically on the courses for our students. Anyone can follow an education that suits him or her best.
The development of our students is most important. Thanks to the students’ dreams, we exist. We believe that every person, young or old, who studies with us has the right to a good education that fits perfectly within the labor market.
We help our students, employees and partners build the future within our region and current society.
We challenge our students to get the best out of themselves. Both personally and professionally. That is why we deliver an attractive education space that is ready for the future. In this way, our students can continue to grow, for a lifetime.
By 2023 we want to be the most important regional training center. At Deltion, employers find their future professionals and have their current employees trained. Students enjoy studying with us, regional companies want to partner with us and talent wants to come and work together with us. We don’t exclude anyone, everyone can join Deltion.
We don’t just want to continue to offer great education but we also want to connect with the current market and society. That’s why we are always keeping up good contact with employers, students and education professionals. We challenge ourselves and regularly try out new forms of education.

We are located in Zwolle. As a partner we would like to make an active contribution to the development of the labor market in the Zwolle area. We have the facilities needed and social view in order to ensure that students and staff develop as successfully as possible. Not only in their profession but also in society and social life.
With our partnership at Perron038, Deltion aims to link up with important technological developments and to strengthen the continuous learning line. Within Deltion, Robotics and Adaptive Manufacturing are already integrated in our technical curriculum. For various other themes, we like to connect with higher professional education and the business community so that we can keep on learning from each other.
With such great plans, how do we achieve our goals? What will we look like in 2032?
Deltion has started discussions with students, employees and professionals out of the field about this under the name “Deltion Overmorgen”; meaning “the day after tomorrow”. This initiative is created in order to allow students, educational professionals and the professional field to think about lifelong development together. From these conversations and ideas pioneers will start experimenting. The experiences gained by these experiments and the new questions that will arise as a result, will feed us as we further develop the education of the future.
Within our technical courses, we train students to become agile professionals who can work with the latest techniques and are aware of the latest technological developments in the world. For example, our workshops are equipped with the latest CNC machines and we have a fully operating robotics classroom with 5 industrial robot arms, which are used for training. Not only do students train with the robot arms but also professionals.
Deltion works together with various educational institutions, companies and municipalities in the area. Together we ensure that the learning routes of our students match the needs of the market even better. By doing this, we make an active contribution to the development of the regional labor market and improve the quality of our practical education.
Deltion drew up a quality plan in 2018 in order to give direction and substance to the steps we want to take concerning quality improvement of our education. The plan is based on five focus points: three mandatory national focus points and two regional ones. It contains our ambitions, objectives and measures for the period from 2019 to 2023.
- Young people and (young) adults in a vulnerable position
- Equal opportunities in education
- Education that prepares students for the labor market of the future
- Lifelong development
- School as a learning and agile organisation
The national and local themes concern current topics that require our attention, not only now but also in the near future. These topics have a reciprocal relationship with one or more of our strategic lines we set. They are not only inspired by the 2018-2022 administrative agreement of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and the council of MBO, but also fit in seamlessly with developments in our working environment and the vision of our role and responsibility therein. The regional focus points have been chosen in collaboration and coordination with the Zwolse4, the Economic Board from the Zwolle area and the Regional Workingspace.